Sunday, July 30, 2006
Call to Rally in SF on July 30 in support of demands of Mexico
1) Presentation: Mass Rallies Throughout Mexico on July 30 to Demand
Vote-by-Vote Recount in Presidential Election -- By Alan Benjamin
(Member, Exec. Bd., SF Labor Council)
2) Call to Rally in SF on July 30 in support of demands of Mexico
Mobilizations -- Letter from Frank Martin del Campo (SF/LCLAA)
3) California Federation of Labor COPE Convention Unanimously
Endorses "Vote-by-Vote" Recount Resolution submitted by San Francisco
Labor Council
4) Caravan to Mexicali, Mexico (across the border from Calexico) to
join July 30 march and rally to demand "Voto Por Voto" Recount
1) Giant Mass Rallies Throughout Mexico on July 30 to Demand
Vote-by-Vote Recount in Presidential Election
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
On Sunday, July 16, an estimated 1.5 million people marched in
downtown Mexico City to protest the widespread fraud committed July 2
against Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the presidential candidate of
the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD).
The protesters, many of whom traveled one or two days by bus to
attend the rally, joined López Obrador in calling for a vote-by-vote
recount of the 41 million votes cast.
During the week leading up to this mass rally, the PRD submitted a
900-page document to the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) with
concrete evidence of vote tampering and computerized manipulation of
the results.
In his July 16 rally speech, López Obrador said that "credible
evidence of irregularities" existed in 72,000 of the 130,000 polling
stations across Mexico. He summoned the Mexican people to take to the
streets in even larger numbers on July 30 -- both in Mexico City and
across the country -- if the election officials did not comply with
the people's demand that every vote should be counted.
At a press conference in Mexico City on Thursday, July 27, López
Obrador noted that the Federal Electoral Institute had not budged in
its refusal to count every vote. He proclaimed himself
president-elect of Mexico, called upon all supporters of democratic
rights in Mexico to take to the streets once again this coming July
30 "in far greater numbers," and announced a "mass campaign of civil
disobedience beginning next Monday [July 31] to ensure that the will
of the Mexican people is not violated yet again."
López Obrador was referring here to the widespread fraud that
prevented then PRD presidential candidate Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas from
becoming president of Mexico in 1988. Subsequent investigations
revealed that the fraud committed against Cárdenas was systematic and
incontrovertible. But, unlike López Obrador, Cárdenas at the time
refused to call upon the Mexican people to reject the fraud. By the
time the full story of the massive fraud came to light, it was
already too late; the vote had been stolen, the PRI remained in power.
The Mexican people have not forgotten what happened in 1988 -- nor
have they forgotten that this fraud paved the way for the signing of
the NAFTA Treaty, which has represented a wholesale attack on the
Mexican people and their long-cherished gains and rights (just as it
has represented a devastating attack on working people in the United
States and Canada).
The Mexican people were witness this past year to one of the most
vicious election campaigns in the history of Mexico -- a campaign
where the two major parties of the ruling rich in Mexico, the PAN and
the PRI, brazenly violated the Federal Election Institute's own
guidelines regarding election ads on radio and TV. Day after day,
these ads portrayed López Obrador as an ally of terrorists hell bent
on destroying the Mexican economy and body politic. This campaign was
coordinated by a U.S. PR firm and the U.S. Embassy in Mexico.
The Mexican people know that if the PRI and the PAN are allowed to
get away with electoral fraud this time around, new and far-deeper
attacks upon the Mexican working class and oppressed sectors of
society will take place at the hands of Felipe Calderón, the
presidential candidate of the PAN.
Calderón has pledged to privatize PEMEX, Mexico's cherished national
oil corporation. He has pledged to implement the new round of
NAFTA-plus agreements, which would mean the total dismantling of
Mexico's subsistence agriculture beginning Jan. 1, 2008. He has
pledged to deepen the destructive privatization agenda of his
López Obrador, hardly a radical candidate, has nonetheless opposed
the privatization of PEMEX and the NAFTA-plus agreement. This is the
reason the U.S. multinational corporations, who are champing at the
bit to get their hands on Mexico's oil, have financed this dirty war
against López Obrador ... and against the Mexican people, who refuse
to have their country and their resources pillaged any further by
foreign interests.
The Mexican people voted on July 2 to make López Obrador their next
president -- and he is the duly elected president of Mexico --
because, as thousands of banners and signs proclaimed in Mexico City
last July 16, "La Patria No Se Vende! La Patria Se Defiende!" This
means that "Our Country Is Not For Sale! Our Country Must Be
Support for the Mexican people's demand for a vote-by-vote recount
has extended way beyond Mexico's borders. One recent and extremely
important example is the unanimous vote that took place on July 26,
2006, at the COPE Convention of the California Federation of Labor,
held in Los Angeles, in support of the resolution submitted by the
San Francisco Labor Council calling for a vote-by-vote recount. [See
This coming Sunday, July 30, a demonstration will take place at the
Civic Center in San Francisco in solidarity with the Mexican people
and their demand for a recount -- "voto por voto." [See letter below
from Frank Martin del Campo.] Similar rallies will be taking place in
other cities across the United States.
We urge you to join these July 30 protest actions. This is not just a
Mexican question. To the extent the "free trade" agenda of the U.S.
government continues to be forced upon the Mexican people, including
by electoral fraud, more U.S. jobs will be exported to Mexico's
"maquiladora" sweatshops, and countless more Mexican people will risk
their lives crossing the border through the Arizona desert to find
any possible means to sustain their families back home in an
increasingly devastated Mexico.
We hope to see you there.
- Voto Por Voto!
- Sí Se Puede!
In solidarity,
Alan Benjamin
Member, Executive Board
San Francisco Labor Council
2) Call to Rally in SF on July 30 in support of demands of Mexico Mobilizations
Sisters, Brothers, Compas,
Please join SF/LCLAA and all progressive and democratic trade
unionists this Sunday, July 30th at a Civic Center in San Francisco @
11:30 a Solidarity Rally called in support of the massive
rally in Mexico City to demonstrate our support for the Vote by Vote
Count in the Mexican Presidential Election.
Music by Francisco Herrera. Please pass the word!
Favor de unirse a un rally este domingo, el 30 de julio a partir de
las 11:30 de la manana para manifestar apoyo con la mobilizacion en
el Zocalo por el Voto por Voto y la democracia en Mexico.
Cantante Francisco Herrera ofrece la musica.
Favor de pasar la palabra!
Paco Martín del Campo
Cell (415) 407-7117
3) California Federation of Labor Endorses SFLC Resolution Urging
Vote-By-Vote Recount in Mexican Election 2006
[Note: The following resolution was adopted unanimously by the COPE
Convention of the California Federation of Labor, held July 25-26 in
Los Angeles. The resolution was submitted by the San Francisco Labor
Council. The resolution below has been left in the form presented by
the SF Labor Council. We do not yet have the final version adopted by
the California Federation of Labor. -- A.B.]
Whereas, the San Francisco Labor Council has provided concrete
assistance to ensure the participation of sisters and brothers of
Mexican nationality in the Mexican presidential election of 2006, and
Whereas, these sisters and brothers traveled over 1,000 miles to
secure their voting rights in said elections,
Whereas, complaints of election irregularities including, but not
limited to, uncounted ballots and corporate media manipulation have
been submitted and raised in said election, and
Whereas, the issue of election irregularities and the exclusion of
the disenfranchised is an increasing component of many elections here
and abroad, and
Whereas, the progressive Mexican union movement, the UNT, has
supported the call for a recount and has asked for support to all
other labor organizations, nationally and internationally;
Therefore be it resolved, the San Francisco Labor Council supports
the demand of a recount in the Mexican Presidential Election 06 vote
by vote (voto por voto).
Be it further resolved, this resolution shall be forwarded to the
California Federation of Labor and all other affiliated bodies for
their consideration and adoption.
4) Caravan to Mexicali, Mexico (across the border from Calexico) to
join July 30 march and rally to demand "Voto Por Voto" Recount
Students from U.C. Irvine will be traveling to Mexicali, Mexico to
participate in the protests, scheduled to take place Sunday, July 30
in the afternoon.
If you are interested in driving to Mexicali to join the protest
actions, please contact Coral at or Gemma
Lopez Limon in Mexicali at.
1) Presentation: Mass Rallies Throughout Mexico on July 30 to Demand
Vote-by-Vote Recount in Presidential Election -- By Alan Benjamin
(Member, Exec. Bd., SF Labor Council)
2) Call to Rally in SF on July 30 in support of demands of Mexico
Mobilizations -- Letter from Frank Martin del Campo (SF/LCLAA)
3) California Federation of Labor COPE Convention Unanimously
Endorses "Vote-by-Vote" Recount Resolution submitted by San Francisco
Labor Council
4) Caravan to Mexicali, Mexico (across the border from Calexico) to
join July 30 march and rally to demand "Voto Por Voto" Recount
1) Giant Mass Rallies Throughout Mexico on July 30 to Demand
Vote-by-Vote Recount in Presidential Election
Dear Sisters and Brothers:
On Sunday, July 16, an estimated 1.5 million people marched in
downtown Mexico City to protest the widespread fraud committed July 2
against Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the presidential candidate of
the Revolutionary Democratic Party (PRD).
The protesters, many of whom traveled one or two days by bus to
attend the rally, joined López Obrador in calling for a vote-by-vote
recount of the 41 million votes cast.
During the week leading up to this mass rally, the PRD submitted a
900-page document to the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) with
concrete evidence of vote tampering and computerized manipulation of
the results.
In his July 16 rally speech, López Obrador said that "credible
evidence of irregularities" existed in 72,000 of the 130,000 polling
stations across Mexico. He summoned the Mexican people to take to the
streets in even larger numbers on July 30 -- both in Mexico City and
across the country -- if the election officials did not comply with
the people's demand that every vote should be counted.
At a press conference in Mexico City on Thursday, July 27, López
Obrador noted that the Federal Electoral Institute had not budged in
its refusal to count every vote. He proclaimed himself
president-elect of Mexico, called upon all supporters of democratic
rights in Mexico to take to the streets once again this coming July
30 "in far greater numbers," and announced a "mass campaign of civil
disobedience beginning next Monday [July 31] to ensure that the will
of the Mexican people is not violated yet again."
López Obrador was referring here to the widespread fraud that
prevented then PRD presidential candidate Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas from
becoming president of Mexico in 1988. Subsequent investigations
revealed that the fraud committed against Cárdenas was systematic and
incontrovertible. But, unlike López Obrador, Cárdenas at the time
refused to call upon the Mexican people to reject the fraud. By the
time the full story of the massive fraud came to light, it was
already too late; the vote had been stolen, the PRI remained in power.
The Mexican people have not forgotten what happened in 1988 -- nor
have they forgotten that this fraud paved the way for the signing of
the NAFTA Treaty, which has represented a wholesale attack on the
Mexican people and their long-cherished gains and rights (just as it
has represented a devastating attack on working people in the United
States and Canada).
The Mexican people were witness this past year to one of the most
vicious election campaigns in the history of Mexico -- a campaign
where the two major parties of the ruling rich in Mexico, the PAN and
the PRI, brazenly violated the Federal Election Institute's own
guidelines regarding election ads on radio and TV. Day after day,
these ads portrayed López Obrador as an ally of terrorists hell bent
on destroying the Mexican economy and body politic. This campaign was
coordinated by a U.S. PR firm and the U.S. Embassy in Mexico.
The Mexican people know that if the PRI and the PAN are allowed to
get away with electoral fraud this time around, new and far-deeper
attacks upon the Mexican working class and oppressed sectors of
society will take place at the hands of Felipe Calderón, the
presidential candidate of the PAN.
Calderón has pledged to privatize PEMEX, Mexico's cherished national
oil corporation. He has pledged to implement the new round of
NAFTA-plus agreements, which would mean the total dismantling of
Mexico's subsistence agriculture beginning Jan. 1, 2008. He has
pledged to deepen the destructive privatization agenda of his
López Obrador, hardly a radical candidate, has nonetheless opposed
the privatization of PEMEX and the NAFTA-plus agreement. This is the
reason the U.S. multinational corporations, who are champing at the
bit to get their hands on Mexico's oil, have financed this dirty war
against López Obrador ... and against the Mexican people, who refuse
to have their country and their resources pillaged any further by
foreign interests.
The Mexican people voted on July 2 to make López Obrador their next
president -- and he is the duly elected president of Mexico --
because, as thousands of banners and signs proclaimed in Mexico City
last July 16, "La Patria No Se Vende! La Patria Se Defiende!" This
means that "Our Country Is Not For Sale! Our Country Must Be
Support for the Mexican people's demand for a vote-by-vote recount
has extended way beyond Mexico's borders. One recent and extremely
important example is the unanimous vote that took place on July 26,
2006, at the COPE Convention of the California Federation of Labor,
held in Los Angeles, in support of the resolution submitted by the
San Francisco Labor Council calling for a vote-by-vote recount. [See
This coming Sunday, July 30, a demonstration will take place at the
Civic Center in San Francisco in solidarity with the Mexican people
and their demand for a recount -- "voto por voto." [See letter below
from Frank Martin del Campo.] Similar rallies will be taking place in
other cities across the United States.
We urge you to join these July 30 protest actions. This is not just a
Mexican question. To the extent the "free trade" agenda of the U.S.
government continues to be forced upon the Mexican people, including
by electoral fraud, more U.S. jobs will be exported to Mexico's
"maquiladora" sweatshops, and countless more Mexican people will risk
their lives crossing the border through the Arizona desert to find
any possible means to sustain their families back home in an
increasingly devastated Mexico.
We hope to see you there.
- Voto Por Voto!
- Sí Se Puede!
In solidarity,
Alan Benjamin
Member, Executive Board
San Francisco Labor Council
2) Call to Rally in SF on July 30 in support of demands of Mexico Mobilizations
Sisters, Brothers, Compas,
Please join SF/LCLAA and all progressive and democratic trade
unionists this Sunday, July 30th at a Civic Center in San Francisco @
11:30 a Solidarity Rally called in support of the massive
rally in Mexico City to demonstrate our support for the Vote by Vote
Count in the Mexican Presidential Election.
Music by Francisco Herrera. Please pass the word!
Favor de unirse a un rally este domingo, el 30 de julio a partir de
las 11:30 de la manana para manifestar apoyo con la mobilizacion en
el Zocalo por el Voto por Voto y la democracia en Mexico.
Cantante Francisco Herrera ofrece la musica.
Favor de pasar la palabra!
Paco Martín del Campo
Cell (415) 407-7117
3) California Federation of Labor Endorses SFLC Resolution Urging
Vote-By-Vote Recount in Mexican Election 2006
[Note: The following resolution was adopted unanimously by the COPE
Convention of the California Federation of Labor, held July 25-26 in
Los Angeles. The resolution was submitted by the San Francisco Labor
Council. The resolution below has been left in the form presented by
the SF Labor Council. We do not yet have the final version adopted by
the California Federation of Labor. -- A.B.]
Whereas, the San Francisco Labor Council has provided concrete
assistance to ensure the participation of sisters and brothers of
Mexican nationality in the Mexican presidential election of 2006, and
Whereas, these sisters and brothers traveled over 1,000 miles to
secure their voting rights in said elections,
Whereas, complaints of election irregularities including, but not
limited to, uncounted ballots and corporate media manipulation have
been submitted and raised in said election, and
Whereas, the issue of election irregularities and the exclusion of
the disenfranchised is an increasing component of many elections here
and abroad, and
Whereas, the progressive Mexican union movement, the UNT, has
supported the call for a recount and has asked for support to all
other labor organizations, nationally and internationally;
Therefore be it resolved, the San Francisco Labor Council supports
the demand of a recount in the Mexican Presidential Election 06 vote
by vote (voto por voto).
Be it further resolved, this resolution shall be forwarded to the
California Federation of Labor and all other affiliated bodies for
their consideration and adoption.
4) Caravan to Mexicali, Mexico (across the border from Calexico) to
join July 30 march and rally to demand "Voto Por Voto" Recount
Students from U.C. Irvine will be traveling to Mexicali, Mexico to
participate in the protests, scheduled to take place Sunday, July 30
in the afternoon.
If you are interested in driving to Mexicali to join the protest
actions, please contact Coral at
Lopez Limon in Mexicali at