Tuesday, July 11, 2006


SAN FRANCISCO Labour Congress support: Count each Vote

Recount in Mexican Election, 2006

Whereas, the San Francisco Labor Council has provided concrete assistance to insure the participation of Sisters and Brothers of Mexican Nationality in the Mexican Presidential Election 2006, and

Whereas, these sisters and brothers traveled over 1000 miles to secure their voting rights in said elections,

Whereas, complaints of election irregularities including, but not limited to, uncounted ballots and corporate media manipulation have been submitted and raised in said election, and

Whereas, the issue of election irregularities and the exclusion of the disenfranchised is an increasing component of many elections here and abroad, and

Whereas, the progressive Mexican Union Movement, the UNTS, has supported the call for a recount and has asked for support to all other labor organizations Nationally and Internationally

Therefore be it resolved, the San Francisco Labor Council supports the demand of a recount in the Mexican Presidential Election 06 vote by vote (voto por voto).

Be it further resolved this resolution shall be forwarded to the California Federation of Labor and all other affiliated bodies for their consideration and adoption.

Submitted by SF/LCLAA

Passed Unanimously at the Executive Committee and Delegates Meeting of the San Francisco Labor Council - July 10, 2006.


Premature congratulations, conniving conversations...

The recent outrageous and shameful events in the already volatile political situation in Mexico, have been now crowned by the government's authorization of Luis Carlos Ugalde (IFE) published last July 7 by the Diario Oficial de la Federacion (Federation Official Journal) to pronounce Mr. Calderon Hinojosa as the winner of the Presidential race, so Mr. Ugalde's announcement last Sunday is not considered illegal, only ratify the need of a vote recount and a thorough scrutiny of the entire process by TRIFE (Federal Electoral Tribunal), demanded by millions of Mexican citizens who have clearly expressed their rejection of the suspicious handling of the election by IFE, which long before July 2, had shown its partiality in favor of right-wing candidate Felipe Calderon and his dirty war against left-wing candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

The disregard and disdain these politicians show for the intelligence of citizens, in their renewed attempts to con us with such authorization to Mr. Ugalde, not only tramples on our rights but also violates Constitutional Article 105 which establishes: "Federal and local electoral laws shall be promulgated and published at least 90 days prior to the start of the electoral process where they are to be applied, and therefore, no fundamental legal amendments shall be made outside such time period" (Addendum by official decree published by the Federal Official Journal on August 22, 1996).

Of course, this would not be the first time these rapacious, corrupt and unethical politicians step on our maximum law, the Mexican Constitution. And if all these criminal actions were not sufficiently repugnant to outrage millions of citizens, the situation gets even worse with the barefaced conversations held by Pedro Cerisola, Secretary of Communications and Transportation, Elba Esther Gordillo (the disreputed former leader of the SNTE - National Education Workers Union) with the Governor of the State of Tamaulipas, Eugenio Hernandez Flores, which once again exhibit the profound decay prevailing in a historically corrupt political system that does not hesitate in incurring in the most flagrant maneuvers to cling to power so they continue enjoying the same privileges and prebends in detriment of the poor and disenfranchised social sectors in Mexico.

Finally and just as a "big cherry" on a cake already adorned with ingredients of the most refined corruption, we have the sadly shameless role of the TV duo-polio: Televisa and TV Azteca, in their constant attempts to manipulate public opinion in favor of Mr. Calderon who will, of course, write his name in Mexican history as one of the most pathetic, twisted, rapacious and mediocre presidential candidates in the annals of Mexican politics.

All the citizens who feel deeply concerned about the future of our country, so victimized by al these obscure individuals, would be incurring in a grievous omission of our civic duty if we would surrender to the manipulation of all this apparatus and would thereby allow the consummation of this shameless electoral fraud.

Patricia Barba Avila

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